If changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream, the carrying capacity of the stream for the trout will decrease. Oxygen level in water is therefore a(n) _____________ with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support.

I think a limiting factor.


I agree. But the important thing is to know what your text says.

u just gotta type it in on google and boom! answer

~ dipper pines

Oxygen level in water is a limiting factor with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support.

To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Changing conditions: The statement mentions that changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream. This could be due to various factors such as pollution, temperature changes, or algae blooms.

2. Carrying capacity: The carrying capacity refers to the maximum population size that an ecosystem can sustain indefinitely given the available resources. In this case, it signifies the number of trout that the stream can support.

3. Decreased oxygen levels: Trout are reliant on oxygen dissolved in the water to survive. If the oxygen levels in the stream decrease, it becomes more challenging for the trout to obtain sufficient oxygen necessary for their survival.

Putting it all together, when changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream, the carrying capacity of the stream for the trout will decrease. This means that the stream can support fewer trout because they are limited by the availability of oxygen. Thus, oxygen level in water is a limiting factor with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support.