Ethan has 24 marbles. He gives 2/8 of his collection to his sister Ruby. How many marbles does Ruby get?

2/8 = 1/4

(1/4) * 24 = 24/4 = 6 marbles for Ruby

6 marbles

24 divided by 8 is 3. So, 3 marbles for each eighth.
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3+3 or 3x2= 6 marbles

To find out how many marbles Ethan gives to his sister Ruby, we can use the given fraction of 2/8.

First, we need to figure out what 2/8 represents in terms of Ethan's marble collection. Since Ethan has 24 marbles in total, we need to calculate the fraction of his marbles that represents 2/8.

To do this, we divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (8) and multiply the result by the total number of marbles (24):

(2 / 8) * 24 = (1 / 4) * 24 = 6

So, Ethan gives 6 marbles to his sister Ruby. Therefore, Ruby receives 6 marbles.