1. The price of a calculater if $12.50. The sales tax is 7.5%. How much will you pay for the calculator?

A. $13.40 **
B. $13.44
C. $13.57
D. $13.61

2. A bike was originally $240.00. The price was markes up 15%. What is the new price of the bike?

A. $250.00
B. $264.00
C. $268.00
D. $276.00 **

3. A flat-screen TV costs $1,400.00. The TV is on sale for 35% off. What is the discounted price of the TV?

A. $490.00
B. $565.00
C. $825.00
D. $910.00 **

4. How much simple interest would you earn for 5 years at 7% with a beginning principal of $8,000.00?

A. $2,800.00 **
B. $3,200.00
C. $3,300.00
D. $3,500.00

5. On Monday, the temperature was 50 degrees. On tuesday, the temperature increased by 22%. What was the temperature on Tuesday?

A. 72 degrees
B. 65 degrees
C. 56 degrees
D. 61 degrees **

6. Calculate the simple interest for each situation. Which choices have a simple interest greater than $800.00? Select all that apply

A. $2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years **
B. $4,500.00 ar 3% for 6 years **
C. $1,400.00 at 6% for 9 years
D. $5,000.00 at 7% for 3 years **
E. $800.00 at 15% for 5 years

7. Calculate the tax for each pair of shoes with the given rate. For which scenarios is the tax greater than $3.00? Select all the apply.

A. Shoes: $45.00; Tax: 7% **
B. Shoes: $80.00; Tax: 2.9%
C. Shoes: $66.00; Tax: 10% **
D. Shoes: $29.00; Tax: 11% **
E. Shows: $55.00; Tax. 4.5%

Number one is B, but other than that, you have it all right. Good job!

All right good job

number 1 is b but everything else is right

XD is right. Honestly trust me guys.

1. To calculate the amount you will pay for the calculator with the sales tax, you can use the formula:

Total amount = Price of calculator + (Sales tax rate * Price of calculator)

In this case, the price of the calculator is $12.50 and the sales tax rate is 7.5%. Plugging in the values:

Total amount = $12.50 + (0.075 * $12.50) = $12.50 + $0.9375 = $13.4375

Rounding to the nearest cent, the amount you will pay is $13.44. So the correct answer is B.

2. To calculate the new price of the bike after a markup, you can use the formula:

New price = Original price + (Markup rate * Original price)

In this case, the original price is $240.00 and the markup rate is 15%. Plugging in the values:

New price = $240.00 + (0.15 * $240.00) = $240.00 + $36.00 = $276.00

So the correct answer is D.

3. To calculate the discounted price of the TV, you can use the formula:

Discounted price = Original price - (Discount rate * Original price)

In this case, the original price is $1,400.00 and the discount rate is 35%. Plugging in the values:

Discounted price = $1,400.00 - (0.35 * $1,400.00) = $1,400.00 - $490.00 = $910.00

So the correct answer is D.

4. To calculate the simple interest, you can use the formula:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

In this case, the principal is $8,000.00, the rate is 7%, and the time is 5 years. Plugging in the values:

Interest = $8,000.00 * 0.07 * 5 = $2,800.00

So the correct answer is A.

5. To calculate the increase in temperature, you can use the formula:

Increased temperature = Original temperature + (Percentage increase * Original temperature)

In this case, the original temperature is 50 degrees and the percentage increase is 22%. Plugging in the values:

Increased temperature = 50 + (0.22 * 50) = 50 + 11 = 61 degrees

So the correct answer is D.

6. To calculate the simple interest for each situation, you can use the formula:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

For each scenario, calculate the simple interest and check if it is greater than $800.00. The choices that have simple interest greater than $800.00 are:

A. $2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years
B. $4,500.00 at 3% for 6 years
D. $5,000.00 at 7% for 3 years

So the correct choices are A, B, and D.

7. To calculate the tax for each pair of shoes, you can use the formula:

Tax = Price of shoes * Tax rate

For each scenario, calculate the tax and check if it is greater than $3.00. The scenarios in which the tax is greater than $3.00 are:

A. Shoes: $45.00; Tax: 7%
C. Shoes: $66.00; Tax: 10%
D. Shoes: $29.00; Tax: 11%

So the correct choices are A, C, and D.

read my name