which Texas leader opposed sam houston over the issue of secession

a. john bell hood
b. Francis lubbock
c. john magruder
d. john reagan

Its Francis Lubbock

To find out which Texas leader opposed Sam Houston over the issue of secession, we can look into the history of Texas during that time period.

Sam Houston served as the President of the Republic of Texas and later became a U.S. Senator and the Governor of Texas. He was known for his opposition to the secession of Texas from the United States during the American Civil War.

Among the options given, John Bell Hood, Francis Lubbock, John Magruder, and John Reagan, the leader who opposed Sam Houston over secession was Francis Lubbock.

Francis Lubbock was the eighth governor of Texas, serving from 1861 to 1863. He strongly supported Texas seceding from the United States and was part of the faction that had disagreements with Sam Houston's position against secession.

In conclusion, the Texas leader who opposed Sam Houston over the issue of secession was Francis Lubbock, so the correct answer is b.

Again, what does your text say? I'm sure the answer is in there, if you read it.

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