which of the following reasons was least important in Texas decision to secede

A. support for slavery
B. opposition to tariffs
C.desire to form calvary units
D. belief in states rights

its not d

i cant help

Reed i got d

D is right.


To determine which of the provided reasons was least important in Texas' decision to secede, we can analyze each option and evaluate its significance:

A. Support for slavery: Slavery was a critical issue leading to Texas' secession. The state's large agricultural economy heavily relied on slave labor, and many Texans argued that the federal government was infringing on their rights to own slaves. This reason had significant importance in Texas' decision to secede.

B. Opposition to tariffs: Tariffs were import taxes imposed by the federal government. While there were concerns among some Texans about high import taxes affecting their economy, this reason was not as central to Texas' secession as the issue of slavery. It had some importance but was overshadowed by other factors.

C. Desire to form cavalry units: The desire to establish cavalry units was mainly related to the practical aspect of bolstering Texas' defense capabilities during the secession and potential conflicts that might arise. While important in terms of military strategy, this reason alone may not have significantly influenced the decision to secede.

D. Belief in states' rights: The belief in states' rights was a dominant factor in Texas' decision to secede. Texans felt that the federal government was encroaching on their sovereignty and imposing restrictions on state governments, including issues related to slavery. This reason held significant importance in the secession decision.

Considering the above analysis, we can conclude that the least important reason in Texas' decision to secede was C. desire to form cavalry units. While an important aspect for defense purposes, it had less overall impact compared to the other reasons.

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