a large pizza pie with 15 slices was shared among p student so that each student get 3 slices how many students got the pizza (word problem involving fraction)

15/p = 3

Solve for p.

i just need the answer

if they all get three then

that would be 5 students

To find out how many students got the pizza, we need to divide the total number of slices by the number of slices each student received.

We are given that there are 15 slices in the pizza. Each student received 3 slices.

So, the equation to solve this problem is:
Number of students * Number of slices each student received = Total number of slices

Let's solve this equation:

p * 3 = 15

To find p, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3:

p = 15 / 3
p = 5

Therefore, 5 students got the pizza.