Which property is illustrated by the following statement?

2x(6) = (6)2x

A. Associative property of Addition
B. Commutative property of Multiplication***
C. Inverse property of Multiplication
D. Commutative property of Addition

The property illustrated by the following statement:

2x(6) = (6)2x

B. Commutative property of Multiplication.

To determine which property is illustrated by the statement 2x(6) = (6)2x, we can analyze the order of the numbers and the operation being performed.

In this case, we have the same numbers, 2 and 6, being multiplied together. However, they are written in a different order on either side of the equation. The left side has 2x(6), while the right side has (6)2x.

The commutative property of multiplication states that the order of factors in a multiplication operation can be rearranged without changing the product. In other words, for any numbers a and b, a * b = b * a.

In the given statement, 2x(6) and (6)2x both represent the product of 2 and 6, but the order of the factors is rearranged. Therefore, the statement exemplifies the commutative property of multiplication.

Thus, the correct answer is B. Commutative property of Multiplication.