6. If the average temperature in February was 55°F arch was 64°F April was 74°F, and Ma was 85°F men which month had the smallest gain in average temperature over the previous month? A. February B. March C. April D. May

Subtract each month from the previous month and compare.

To determine which month had the smallest gain in average temperature over the previous month, we need to calculate the differences in average temperature between each consecutive month.

Let's calculate the differences:

- March: 64°F - 55°F = 9°F gain
- April: 74°F - 64°F = 10°F gain
- May: 85°F - 74°F = 11°F gain

Comparing the gains in average temperature over the previous month, we find that the smallest gain is 9°F in March. Therefore, the answer is B. March.