jenelle makes $7.25 an hour at the flower shop write an inequality to find out how many hours you was work to earn at least $125

7.25h >= 125

Let's represent the number of hours Jenelle works as "x". Since she makes $7.25 per hour, we can write the equation:

7.25x ≥ 125

This inequality states that the product of 7.25 and the number of hours worked should be greater than or equal to $125.

To find out how many hours Jenelle needs to work to earn at least $125, we can set up an inequality.

Let's denote the number of hours Jenelle works as 'h'. We know that she earns $7.25 per hour. So, her earnings can be calculated by multiplying her hourly rate by the number of hours she works, which gives us the inequality:

7.25h ≥ 125

This inequality represents that Jenelle's earnings (7.25h) must be greater than or equal to $125.