Which of the following passages from the text best illustrates Phillip’s determination?

A.Wondering what had caused the birds to attack me, I felt around in the sand.

B.I realized then why he had used our rope sparingly; why he had made my guideline down to east beach from vines instead of rope.

C.There was no day or night that passed when I didn’t listen for sounds from the sky.

D.I had two more matches left, and for a moment, I didn’t know whether to use them or run back up the hill to the campfire.

Reed my answer is c

I agree.

Help? You've fallen and can't get up? You're trapped in a burning house?

As to your question, when you have decided on an answer, we'll be glad to check it.

Oh nevermind it makes sense now

To determine which passage from the text best illustrates Phillip's determination, we can analyze each option and evaluate the level of determination exhibited in each one.

Option A: "Wondering what had caused the birds to attack me, I felt around in the sand." This passage showcases curiosity and a desire to find answers, but it doesn't explicitly demonstrate determination.

Option B: "I realized then why he had used our rope sparingly; why he had made my guideline down to east beach from vines instead of rope." This passage reveals Phillip's understanding and problem-solving abilities, but it does not directly illustrate determination.

Option C: "There was no day or night that passed when I didn’t listen for sounds from the sky." This passage highlights Phillip's constant vigilance and determination to survive by being alert to any potential threats. It shows a consistent effort on his part and demonstrates his determination to stay safe.

Option D: "I had two more matches left, and for a moment, I didn’t know whether to use them or run back up the hill to the campfire." This passage showcases a decision-making moment where Phillip is torn between two choices. Though it may indicate hesitation, it does not primarily reflect his determination.

Considering the options provided, the passage that best exemplifies Phillip's determination is Option C: "There was no day or night that passed when I didn’t listen for sounds from the sky." This passage demonstrates his constant commitment to remaining vigilant, implying determination in his efforts to survive.

Why would it be C Reed? I think think it would be B or D.