In the finish of Patsy Barnes which word best describes the city doctor's treatment of Eliza?

A. Careless <--------
B. Competent
C. Thorough
D. Caring

My Answer is A

I agree.

To determine the best word that describes the city doctor's treatment of Eliza in the book "The Finish of Patsy Barnes", you can analyze the actions and behaviors of the city doctor towards Eliza.

In order to answer this question, it is recommended to directly refer to the text or extract of "The Finish of Patsy Barnes". Look for specific descriptions, dialogue, or events involving the city doctor and Eliza. Pay attention to how the city doctor interacts with Eliza and how his actions and attitude towards her are portrayed.

By carefully reading and analyzing the text, you may find evidence or indications of the city doctor's treatment of Eliza. Look for signs of carelessness, competence, thoroughness, or caring in relation to Eliza's treatment. This can include how the city doctor responds to Eliza's concerns, the level of attention and detail given to her treatment, and any other relevant information that may provide insights into the doctor's approach.

Once you have gathered sufficient evidence from the text, compare it to the given options of A. Careless, B. Competent, C. Thorough, and D. Caring. Assess which word aligns best with the description of the city doctor's treatment of Eliza.

In this case, if you believe the city doctor in "The Finish of Patsy Barnes" is portrayed as careless in their treatment of Eliza, then your answer of A. Careless would be the most applicable choice.