Nick pulled pizza out of the oven and cut it into four equivalent pieces he ate two of them.His sister came in and cut one of the remaining pieces into three smaller equivalent pieces she ate two of the small pieces .what fraction of the pizza did each of them eat?what fraction of the pizza is left?

Nick: 2/4 = 1/2

Sister: (1/4) * (1/3) * 2 = 2/12 = 1/6

Left: (6/6) - (3/6) - (1/6)

To determine the fraction of the pizza that Nick ate, we need to understand the division of the pizza into four equivalent pieces.

When Nick cuts the pizza into four equivalent pieces, it means each piece represents one-fourth (1/4) of the whole pizza. Since he ate two of the four pieces, he consumed 2/4 or 1/2 of the pizza.

Now, let's move to the sister's part. After Nick ate 1/2 of the pizza, one piece remained. The sister then cut this remaining piece into three smaller equivalent pieces. So, each small piece represents one-third (1/3) of the pizza.

Since she ate two of the small pieces, she consumed 2/3 * 1/3 = 2/9 of the original pizza.

Now, let's summarize their consumption:
- Nick ate 1/2 (or 4/4) of the pizza.
- The sister ate 2/9 of the pizza.

To find the fraction of the pizza left, we need to subtract the sum of what Nick and his sister ate from the whole pizza, which is 1:

1 - (4/4 + 2/9) = 1 - (36/36 + 8/36) = 1 - (44/36) = 1 - (11/9) = 9/9 - 11/9 = -2/9

The resulting fraction is -2/9, which indicates that there is a deficit of 2/9 or 2 out of 9 pieces are missing from the original pizza.