1. The land of a typical city is distributed by...

2. Technology changed the workforce by...

sorry to bother u so late by the way.

please help urgent!

plzz!! i have a test tom on this i ahvent even studied yet really stressed here!

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1. The land of a typical city is distributed by city zoning regulations and urban planning initiatives. To understand how the land is distributed in a city, you can start by researching the city's zoning laws and regulations. These laws determine how different parts of the city can be used, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or recreational areas. City planners and urban designers also play a role in determining the layout and distribution of land, considering factors like population density, transportation networks, and community needs. By studying these regulations and consulting urban planning resources, you can gain a better understanding of how land is distributed in a typical city.

2. Technology has significantly changed the workforce in various ways. To understand how technology has impacted the workforce, you should start by researching the historical context and developments in technology. Look into the advent of computers, automation, artificial intelligence, and digital technologies, as these have had a major impact on the world of work.

Consider how technology has affected job roles and responsibilities. Some jobs have become more automated, leading to a decrease in the number of available positions. On the other hand, new job opportunities have emerged in fields like data analysis, digital marketing, and software development.

Additionally, explore how technology has influenced work environments and communication. With advancements in communication technologies, remote work has become more prevalent, allowing people to work from anywhere in the world. Collaboration tools and project management software have also made it easier for teams to work together, regardless of geographical location.

By researching these aspects and staying up-to-date with technological advancements and their impact on the workforce, you can gain a better understanding of how technology has changed the way we work.