How many moles of H are there in 8.9 moles of C4H8O2?

To find out the number of moles of H in 8.9 moles of C4H8O2, you need to consider the chemical formula of C4H8O2.

In the formula for C4H8O2, the subscript next to H indicates the number of hydrogen atoms in one molecule of C4H8O2. Therefore, you need to count the total number of hydrogen atoms and convert it to moles.

The chemical formula C4H8O2 tells us there are 8 hydrogen atoms per molecule. Since there are 8.9 moles of C4H8O2, you can calculate the number of moles of H by multiplying the number of moles of C4H8O2 by the number of hydrogen atoms per molecule.

Moles of H = moles of C4H8O2 × number of H atoms per molecule

Moles of H = 8.9 moles × 8 H atoms per molecule

Moles of H = 71.2 moles

Therefore, there are 71.2 moles of H in 8.9 moles of C4H8O2.