Generate a scene of an Asian gender-neutral individual named Lian, walking around a large square park, taking regular steps. The park is lush green, surrounded by a sidewalk with a few park benches and lush trees. Remember, each side of the square park represents a certain distance based on Lian's paces. One of Lian's paces, marked with a length of 40cm on ground, is highlighted.

Lian uses 200 regular paces to walk around a square park.If one pace of Lian measures 40 cm,what is the measure of each side of the park?

Let's focus on the first sentence. "Lian uses 200 regular paces to walk around a square park." We know that Lian walks "around" the square, so we can assume that this is the perimeter, P= 200 (regular paces). (draw a square for reference :) if needed). We know that a square is equal on each of its four sides, so next we can divide the perimeter by four 200/4= 50 regular paces. Now we know that each side of the sides of the square is 50 regular paces.

Next sentence,"If one pace of Lian measures 40 cm,what is the measure of each side of the park" We have everything we need to answer this now. Our goal is to figure out how much each (individual side) measures. Each side is a total of 50 regular paces and each regular pace is measures 40 cm. Now we can multiply 50(regular paces)* 40cm. Final answer is 2000 cm for each side.

200paces/4sides = 50 paces/side.

50paces/side * 40cm/pace = 2000 cm/side.

Let's focus on the first sentence. "Lian uses 200 regular paces to walk around a square park." We know that Lian walks "around" the square, so we can assume that this is the perimeter, P= 200 (regular paces). (draw a square for reference :) if needed). We know that a square is equal on each of its four sides, so next we can divide the perimeter by four 200/4= 50 regular paces. Now we know that each side of the sides of the square is 50 regular paces.

Next sentence,"If one pace of Lian measures 40 cm,what is the measure of each side of the park" We have everything we need to answer this now. Our goal is to figure out how much each (individual side) measures. Each side is a total of 50 regular paces and each regular pace is measures 40 cm. Now we can multiply 50(regular paces)* 40cm. Final answer is 2000 cm for each side.

Lian uses 200 regular paces to walk around a square park.If one pace of Lian measures 40cm,what is the measure of each side?

March 3 2011

March 3 2011


a group of metro cleaners a request to plant vietnam rose on both side of a cemented runway of a riverbank how long is the line the metro cleaners will going to plant vietnem rose if the runways 2km

u dont know
