Find the weight of led pipe is 3.5 m long if the external diameter of pipe is 2.4 cm and the thickness of led is 2mm and 1cm cube of the leg width is 4g

that's "lead" not led.

The area of a disc of diameter d is pi/4 d^2.

So, the area of the lead cross-section is

pi/4 (2.4^2 - 2.2^2) = 0.723 cm^2

So, the mass of the lead is volume * density, or

0.723cm^2 * 350cm * 4g/cm^3 = 1012.2g

To find the weight of a lead pipe, we need to calculate the volume of the pipe and then multiply it by the density of lead. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Calculate the inner diameter of the lead pipe:
Inner diameter = External diameter - (2 × thickness)
Inner diameter = 2.4 cm - (2 × 0.2 cm)
Inner diameter = 2.4 cm - 0.4 cm
Inner diameter = 2.0 cm

2. Calculate the radius of the lead pipe:
Radius = Inner diameter ÷ 2
Radius = 2.0 cm ÷ 2
Radius = 1.0 cm

3. Calculate the volume of the pipe:
Volume = π × (radius^2) × length
Volume = π × (1.0 cm)^2 × 350 cm
Volume = π × (1.0 cm)^2 × 350 cm
Volume ≈ 3.14 × (1.0 cm)^2 × 350 cm
Volume ≈ 3.14 × 1.0 cm × 1.0 cm × 350 cm
Volume ≈ 3.14 × 350 cm^3
Volume ≈ 1099 cm^3

4. Convert the volume to liters (1 cm^3 = 1 mL = 0.001 L):
Volume = 1099 cm^3 × 0.001 L/cm^3
Volume ≈ 1.099 L

5. Calculate the weight of the lead pipe using the density of lead:
Weight = Volume × Density
Weight = 1.099 L × 11.34 g/mL (density of lead)
Weight ≈ 12.43 g

Therefore, the weight of the lead pipe is approximately 12.43 grams.