I need help on verb and how to right the sentence in the way that it is sapousto be spelled pls help me

No one can help you without specifics. If you'll post part of an assignment you're having trouble with, I'll send your post to our French expert.

PS. Be sure to proofread your posts before submitting them. Make sure all spelling and accent marks are correct.

Please send an example of what you would like to do, then in addition to helping you with the example, we will have an idea where your difficulty is.

Dictionaries is one way to help, and verb conjugators (such as the Bescherelle) would help with verb forms.

Certainly! I can help you with that. To start, let's break it down into two parts: the verb and the sentence structure.

1. Verb: A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being. It is the main component that indicates what is happening in the sentence. Examples of verbs include "run," "eat," "sleep," "is," and "was."

2. Sentence Structure: A sentence is typically made up of a subject, verb, and often an object. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action described by the verb. The verb, as mentioned earlier, expresses the action or state of being. The object, if present, receives the action of the verb.

Now, if you provide me with the specific sentence you need help with, I can give you guidance on how to spell it correctly and ensure that the verb is used appropriately.