Does Hamlet reach enlightenment?

I personally think not because he is still unaware that he has become exactly like Claudius and dispute saying things that virtuous and just he is hypocritical in his actions.

Also follow up question: What did Hamlet die thinking (like of himself a Savior?)

This will help me write my essay! Thanks in advance!

I think your ideas are as valid as anyone else's IF you can back them up with good arguments based on the text of the play. Only you can do that; they are your ideas. That's what your teacher wants you to do. I can't back up YOUR ideas, only you can. Find examples of things Hamlet says and does in the play that support your thoughts about his hypocrisy or self-delusions. (I do think you're on the right track!)

On the right track, yes, but... Rethink the idea that Hamlet is just like Claudius. Claudius' motives may be different than Hamlet's, so they may not be the same, although regicide was/is the ultimate goal of both.

To determine whether Hamlet reaches enlightenment, we need to closely analyze the character and his actions throughout the play. Here is a step-by-step approach to help answer your question:

1. Read and analyze the text: Start by carefully reading Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet." Pay attention to the various choices Hamlet makes, his thoughts, and his overall character development.

2. Understand the concept of enlightenment: Enlightenment refers to a state of deep understanding, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It typically involves self-awareness, moral and ethical clarity, and the ability to see beyond one's own desires.

3. Evaluate Hamlet's self-awareness: Consider instances in the play where Hamlet demonstrates self-awareness and introspection about his own actions and motivations. Does he possess a clear understanding of his own flaws and mistakes? Does he show a willingness to learn from them?

4. Examine Hamlet's pursuit of justice: Evaluate whether Hamlet's actions align with his quest for justice. Does he consistently adhere to his principles, or does he compromise his ideals in pursuit of revenge? Look for instances where Hamlet's words and actions may contradict each other.

5. Analyze the ending: Consider Hamlet's state of mind and character development in the final acts. Does he demonstrate growth and transformation? Does he show a deeper understanding of himself, his actions, and their consequences?

Based on your personal opinion, you believe Hamlet does not reach enlightenment due to his hypocrisy and resemblance to Claudius. Use the evidence from your analysis to support this claim in your essay.

Regarding your follow-up question about what Hamlet dies thinking, it is open to interpretation. One possible viewpoint is that Hamlet dies realizing the futility of his vengeful actions and the tragic consequences that they have wrought upon himself and those around him. He may not necessarily see himself as a savior but rather as a deeply flawed individual who ultimately failed to bring about justice and redeem his own soul.

Remember to support your interpretations and arguments with evidence from the text to make your essay stronger.