Thermal wanted to make a dessert for her family. The recipe made 8 servings, but she only wanted to make enough for 5people. If the recipe for 8servings called for 2 cups of flour, how much flour would she need for 5 servings?

(5/8) * 2 = ?

To find out how much flour Thermal would need for 5 servings, we can set up a proportion. We know that the recipe makes 8 servings and requires 2 cups of flour. Let's call the amount of flour needed for 5 servings "x".

Proportion: 8 servings / 2 cups = 5 servings / x cups

To solve this proportion, we can use cross multiplication:

8 servings * x cups = 2 cups * 5 servings

8x = 10

Now, we can isolate "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

x = 10 / 8

Simplifying the fraction:

x = 1.25

Therefore, Thermal would need 1.25 cups of flour for 5 servings of the dessert.