A depiction of a book placed on the table surrounded by a Northern and Southern US flag, representing the political and social dichotomy linked to the era of slavery. Show a broken chain, symbolizing the moral struggle associated with slavery. Please refrain from including any text in the image.

Which statement best describes how slavery was presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

a. slavery was presented as a political problem for Congress to solve
b. slavery was presented as an economical requirement for the South
c. slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront
d. slavery was presented as a part of the South's social heritage

Is it d?


this is for conexus, let me know if it helps anyone!

Haha thank you Reece's just what I was looking for

Reeces is correct it worked for me

when i read it was for connexus i was like THANK YOU SO MUCH

if your questions are mixed up the answer to this question is c

I'm not really sure what it is. But I do know that I need to show work so here we go.

I think that it is d, mainly because slavery was almost a cultural thing for southerners. If you think about it, they had been doing it for years. I guess it could be compared to tapping maple syrup up here in Maine. Our ancestors have done it for many, many years. They probably knew no different life than having slaves, so this represents their heritage.

I disagree with d.

It’s C

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and explore how slavery is presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin.

a. Slavery was presented as a political problem for Congress to solve: While political discussions were indeed a part of the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin primarily focuses on the moral implications of slavery rather than proposing political solutions. It is not the primary focus.

b. Slavery was presented as an economical requirement for the South: Although the economic aspects of slavery are highlighted in Uncle Tom's Cabin, the main emphasis is not on portraying slavery as an economic necessity.

c. Slavery was presented as a moral problem that every person needed to confront: This statement aligns with the overall theme and central message of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The novel seeks to highlight the moral dilemma of slavery, depicting it as an issue that required individuals to confront and challenge its inherent cruelty and injustice. The moral aspect is central to the story, making this statement a strong possibility.

d. Slavery was presented as a part of the South's social heritage: This statement is also partially accurate, as the social history and legacy of slavery in the South are explored in Uncle Tom's Cabin. However, it does not encapsulate the primary focus of the novel, which centers on the moral imperative to address the institution of slavery.

Based on the analysis, the statement that best describes how slavery is presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin is c. Slavery was presented as a moral problem that every person needed to confront.