who does vegetative propagation by stem occur. CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME I'LL BE VERY THANKFUL !!

Who? I do on figs, and flowering hedges.

I dont understand your question

what is meant by vegetative propagation by stem

It means you take a stem with a growth node, or exposed epi cells, put a rooting hormone on it, then place it in a humid environment for several weeks and wait for growths. Many plants can be propagated this way. I have done figs, berry plants, and woody plants.



Vegetative propagation by stem occurs in many plants, including both woody and herbaceous species. This method of plant propagation involves taking a stem cutting from a parent plant and allowing it to develop roots and grow into a new individual plant. Here's how it works:

1. Select a healthy, mature stem: Choose a stem that is approximately 4-6 inches long and has several nodes (points where leaves emerge). The stem should be firm and free from any diseases or damage.

2. Prepare the cutting: Using a sharp and clean knife or shears, make a diagonal cut just below a node on the stem. Remove any leaves or flowers from the lower half of the cutting to minimize water loss.

3. Apply rooting hormone (optional): To improve the chances of rooting, you may choose to dip the cut end of the stem in a rooting hormone powder or gel. This hormone helps stimulate root growth.

4. Plant the cutting: Fill a small pot or container with a well-draining potting mix. Make a hole in the soil using a pencil or your finger, and gently place the cut end of the stem into it. Press the soil around the stem to ensure proper contact.

5. Provide appropriate care: Place the potted cutting in a location with bright, indirect light. Maintain a consistently moist but not waterlogged soil by watering the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Mist the leaves occasionally to increase humidity around the cutting.

6. Monitor and wait for roots: Keep an eye on the cutting over the next few weeks. Roots usually start to develop in this time period. You can check by gently tugging the cutting; if you feel resistance, it means roots have formed.

7. Transplant the rooted cutting: Once roots have formed, your cutting is ready to be transplanted into a larger pot or directly into the ground. Gradually acclimate the new plant to its new environment by exposing it to increasing amounts of direct sunlight.

Remember that not all plant species have the same level of success with stem propagation, so experimentation and research on specific plants you're interested in may be necessary.