Which of the following passages from the text best illustrates Phillip’s determination?

A.Wondering what had caused the birds to attack me, I felt around in the sand.

B.I realized then why he had used our rope sparingly; why he had made my guideline down to east beach from vines instead of rope.

C.There was no day or night that passed when I didn’t listen for sounds from the sky.

D.I had two more matches left, and for a moment, I didn’t know whether to use them or run back up the hill to the campfire.

C is the only choice that indicates determination.

I agree, I think the answer is C.

To determine which of the passages best illustrates Phillip's determination, we need to analyze each of the options and identify the one that showcases his perseverance or unyielding spirit towards a particular goal.

Option A describes Phillip's curiosity and his attempt to find the cause of the bird attacks by feeling around in the sand. While this shows his inquisitiveness, it does not specifically demonstrate his determination.

Option B explains why Phillip's father used the rope sparingly and instead made a guideline from vines to reach the east beach. This passage highlights the resourcefulness and careful planning of Phillip's father rather than Phillip's determination.

Option C indicates that Phillip actively listens for sounds from the sky every day and night. This passage suggests his constant vigilance and determination to be aware of any potential threats or changes in his environment.

Option D reveals that Phillip is faced with a decision – whether to use his remaining matches or return to the campfire. The fact that he considers his limited resources and evaluates his options showcases his determination to make a well-thought-out choice.

Based on these considerations, the passage that best illustrates Phillip's determination is option D: "I had two more matches left, and for a moment, I didn’t know whether to use them or run back up the hill to the campfire."