Can the figure below tesselate a plane? Explain your answer.

The shape is an arch (like a rainbow)

Thanks! will fail math bc this problem why is this happening

it should be clear that the inside of the arch cannot be covered by another arch.


To determine if a figure can tessellate a plane, we need to consider a few criteria. First, all the shapes in the figure must be identical in size and shape. Second, these shapes must be able to fit together without any gaps or overlaps. Lastly, the resulting pattern must be able to extend indefinitely without leaving any empty spaces.

In the case of the arch-like shape you described, it is unlikely to tessellate a plane. This is because the arch shape, by itself, does not possess the necessary qualities for tessellation.

To further explain, consider the first criteria of having identical shapes. If we were to duplicate the arch shape to create a tessellation, we would find that fitting the shapes together without any gaps or overlaps is not possible due to the curved nature of the arch.

Additionally, the arch shape cannot be extended indefinitely without leaving empty spaces. As the arch shape is curved, it would eventually create gaps between the shapes when attempting to fill the plane entirely.

Therefore, based on the properties of the arch-like shape you described, it is unlikely to tessellate a plane. It is important to understand that tessellations require specific geometric properties, and not all shapes can tessellate a plane.

Betta -- :-)

If you really have an A, then why don't you study?