Can you please see if these sentences are written correctly in Spanish? Thank you.

Doctor, me siento cansada y enfermera.

También, tengo poco o nada de apetito.

Yo tengo una fiebre de un ciento y dos grados Fahrenheit.

Doctor, me duele cabeza y tengo una garganta adolorida.

También, tengo manchas rojas o hinchadas.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. (It's most helpful if you number the sentences!)

#1. "enfermera" is the word for "nurse" and you need "enferma."

#2. También, no tengo ningún apetito o poco.

#3. me duele la cabeza y tengo la garganta dolorosa. (Why don't you just say "Me duelen la cabeza y la garganta."_

#4. Tengo también, unas manchas rojas o hinchadas.


TIFFANY MAYUMI!!! in spanish.

Sure! Let's go through each sentence.

1. Doctor, me siento cansada y enfermera.
This sentence is a bit confusing. We have "Doctor" at the beginning, which seems like you are addressing someone. However, "enfermera" means "nurse," so it doesn't make sense in this context. It seems like you are trying to say "Doctor, I feel tired." In Spanish, it would be: "Doctor, me siento cansada."

2. También, tengo poco o nada de apetito.
This sentence is written correctly. It means "Also, I have little or no appetite."

3. Yo tengo una fiebre de un ciento y dos grados Fahrenheit.
This sentence is not correct. To say "I have a fever of one hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit" in Spanish, it would be: "Tengo una fiebre de ciento dos grados Fahrenheit."

4. Doctor, me duele cabeza y tengo una garganta adolorida.
This sentence is almost correct. However, instead of "duele cabeza," it should be "me duele la cabeza." So it should be: "Doctor, me duele la cabeza y tengo la garganta adolorida."

5. También, tengo manchas rojas o hinchadas.
This sentence is written correctly. It means "Also, I have red or swollen spots."

Overall, the sentences can be corrected as follows:
1. Doctor, me siento cansada.
3. Tengo una fiebre de ciento dos grados Fahrenheit.
4. Doctor, me duele la cabeza y tengo la garganta adolorida.