There are 36 carpenters an a Crew. On a certain Day ,26 where present. What percent showed up for work? (round to the nearest tenth)

i joke ilol

To find the percentage of carpenters who showed up for work, we need to divide the number of carpenters who showed up by the total number of carpenters in the crew, and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Find the number of carpenters who showed up for work.
According to the question, 26 carpenters were present on that day.

Step 2: Find the total number of carpenters in the crew.
According to the question, there are 36 carpenters in the crew.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of carpenters who showed up for work.
Divide the number of carpenters who showed up (26) by the total number of carpenters in the crew (36):
26 / 36 = 0.7222

Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
0.7222 * 100 ≈ 72.2

So, approximately 72.2% of the carpenters showed up for work on that day.

100 * (26/36) = ______%
