I have to take out embellishments, misquotations, false benefits and unethical tactics out of these sentences. I need help.

Factory-trained technicians respond to all our calls.
"The service contract...on the whole...applied to upgrades.

How are we supposed to know what are misquotations and false benefits?

To remove embellishments, misquotations, false benefits, and unethical tactics from these sentences, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify embellishments: Look for any statements that may be exaggerated or included to make the content more appealing or impressive. In this case, the sentence "Factory-trained technicians respond to all our calls" may be an embellishment if it cannot be verified that ALL calls are indeed handled by factory-trained technicians. To remove the embellishment, you can rephrase the sentence as "We have a team of technicians who are trained by the factory to handle calls."

2. Check for misquotations: Verify if the sentence accurately represents the original source or if any quotes have been misattributed. In this case, there doesn't appear to be any misquotations.

3. Examine false benefits: Look for statements that may imply benefits that are not true or cannot be substantiated. In the given content, the phrase "The service contract...on the whole...applied to upgrades" could be seen as a false benefit if there is no evidence or explanation of how the service contract applies to upgrades. To clarify the statement, you can rephrase it as "The service contract includes provisions for upgrades for eligible products."

4. Evaluate unethical tactics: Scrutinize the content for any misleading or deceptive techniques that aim to manipulate or deceive the reader. Without further context, it's unclear if any unethical tactics are used in these sentences.

By carefully analyzing the sentences and following these steps, you can remove embellishments, misquotations, false benefits, and unethical tactics while ensuring the information remains accurate and transparent.