What's the vocabulary word for the Definition (variety of habitats and communities within ecosystems)?


The vocabulary word that corresponds to the definition you provided, "variety of habitats and communities within ecosystems," is "ecological niche." The ecological niche refers to the specific role and position that a species occupies within its environment, including its interactions with other organisms and its use of resources.

To find this answer, you can use various methods. One approach would be to use a search engine and enter keywords related to the definition, such as "definition of variety of habitats and communities within ecosystems." This can lead you to websites and articles that provide the specific term you are looking for. In this case, the Wikipedia page for "Ecological niche" provides the answer.

Another method would be to consult academic sources or textbooks on ecology, as they often contain definitions and explanations of ecological concepts. These sources usually have glossaries or indexes that can guide you to the desired term.