What is my number?

1.My number is a perfect square
2.The only prime number in it's prime factorization is 2
3.My number is a factor of 32
4. The sum of it's digits is odd.

there are only a few factors of 32, all of them powers of 2.

It must have 2 digits, so there is only one that fits.

To find your number, we need to consider the given clues:

1. Your number is a perfect square: This means your number has a whole number as a square root. We will look for perfect square numbers.

2. The only prime number in its prime factorization is 2: Prime factorization is writing a number as a product of its prime factors. Since the only prime number in the factorization is 2, we will look for numbers whose prime factorization only includes 2.

3. Your number is a factor of 32: A factor is a number that divides evenly into another number without leaving a remainder. We need to find a number that divides 32 without a remainder.

4. The sum of its digits is odd: We need to look for numbers whose digits add up to an odd number.

Now, let's combine these clues to find your number:

From clue 1, we know your number has a whole number as a square root. The perfect square numbers that are factors of 32 are 1, 4, 16, and 32.

From clue 2, we need to find the number whose prime factorization only includes 2. Among the numbers we found in clue 1, only 4 and 16 have a prime factorization with only 2s: 4 = 2^2 and 16 = 2^4.

From clue 3, we need to find the number that is a factor of 32. Among the numbers we found in clue 2, only 4 is a factor of 32.

From clue 4, we need to find a number whose digits add up to an odd number. The digits of 4 add up to an even number, so 4 is not the answer.

Therefore, based on the given clues, we can conclude that there is no number that satisfies all the given conditions.