your class is planning a field trip to the amusement park. childrens tickets cost 20 and adult tickets cost 25, the total amount of money available is 1000.let c represent the number of childrens tickets and a represent the number os adult tickets.

write the equation for the total cost of childrens and adult tickets.
use graph paper to construct a graph of this equation. includ correct labels and scales.
the amusement park requires that there be one adult for every 10 children.write an equation that represents number os children in terms of the number of adults. graph and label this equation on the same grid used part b.
determine the number of children and adults that can go on the trip. explain how to use the graph to find the answer.

To write the equation for the total cost of children's and adult tickets, we need to use the given information:

Children's tickets cost $20, so the cost for c children's tickets is 20c.
Adult tickets cost $25, so the cost for a adult tickets is 25a.

The total cost of tickets is equal to the sum of the cost of children's tickets and the cost of adult tickets. So the equation is:

Total Cost = 20c + 25a

To construct a graph of this equation, you can use graph paper with the total cost on the y-axis and the number of children's tickets (c) and adult tickets (a) on the x-axis. The scale for each axis would depend on the range of values you want to represent in your graph.

For the equation representing the number of children in terms of the number of adults, we know that there should be one adult for every 10 children. So if a is the number of adults, the number of children would be 10a. The equation is:

Number of Children = 10a

To graph this equation, you can use the same graph paper as in part b, with the number of children on the y-axis and the number of adults on the x-axis.

To determine the number of children and adults that can go on the trip, you can use the graph. The amount of money available for tickets is given as $1000. On the graph, find the point where the total cost line intersects the line representing $1000. This point will give you the number of children's tickets (c) and adult tickets (a) that can be purchased within the available amount of money.

To find the number of children corresponding to the number of adults, locate the point on the graph where the line representing the number of children intersects the line representing the number of adults. This point will give you the number of children (c) and adults (a) for the specified requirement of one adult for every 10 children.

By using the intersection points on the graph, you can determine the number of children and adults that can go on the trip.