1. Which type of metal did Rutherford shoot alpha particles into?


2.When Thomson held a positively charged plate near the cathode ray, the beam bent toward the plate. What conclusion can be drawn from this observation?

A)The beam was made of light.
B)The beam was positively charged.
C)The beam was negatively charged.
D)The beam was made of neutrons.

hat was observed during Rutherford's experiment?

A)All of the particles were deflected.
B)All of the particles went through the foil undeflected.
C)The particles were absorbed by the foil.
D)Most of the particles went through the foil, but some were deflected.

My answers-
1. C
2. C
3. D

To answer these questions:

1. To determine which type of metal Rutherford shot alpha particles into, you would need to review the experiments conducted by Rutherford called the gold foil experiment. In this experiment, Rutherford shot alpha particles, which are positively charged particles, at a thin metal foil. By observing the behavior of the alpha particles after passing through the foil, Rutherford was able to determine the nature of the atomic structure. To find out the specific metal used in the experiment, you would need to refer to the details of Rutherford's original experiment, such as his research papers or scientific publications.

2. To understand what conclusion can be drawn from Thomson's observation of the beam bending toward the positively charged plate, you would need to recall the context of Thomson's cathode ray experiment. In the experiment, Thomson observed that when a positively charged plate was placed near the cathode ray, the beam of electrons bent towards the positive plate. This observation led to the inference that the cathode ray beam was negatively charged. Therefore, the conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that the cathode ray beam was negatively charged. The correct answer is C.

3. To determine what was observed during Rutherford's experiment, you would need to review his gold foil experiment. In this experiment, Rutherford aimed alpha particles at a thin gold foil and observed the deflection of these particles. The majority of the alpha particles passed through the foil undeflected, but a small fraction of them were deflected at large angles. Based on this observation, the correct answer is D, which states that most of the particles went through the foil, but some were deflected.