draw a figure with the given perimeter on the grid paper 10 units 3rd grade

Is the perimeter 10 units?

To draw a figure with a given perimeter of 10 units on grid paper for 3rd grade, we need to understand what perimeter means and how to measure it on a grid.

Perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape. For a grid paper, we count the number of squares on the sides of the shape to determine the perimeter.

In this case, our perimeter is 10 units, which means we need to find a shape that has a total of 10 squares around its sides.

Now, let's explore a few options for drawing a figure with a perimeter of 10 units on the grid paper:

Option 1:
We can draw a rectangle with a length of 4 units and a width of 1 unit. To do this, start at a point on the grid, count 4 units horizontally, and draw a line. Then, count 1 unit vertically and draw another line. Finally, connect the endpoints of your lines to form the rectangle. Count the number of squares on each side of the rectangle to confirm that the perimeter is 10 units.

Option 2:
Another option is to draw a square with sides measuring 2.5 units each. To draw a square, start at a point on the grid, count 2.5 units horizontally, draw a line, then count 2.5 units vertically, and draw another line. Finally, connect the endpoints of your lines to form the square. Count the number of squares on each side of the square to confirm that the perimeter is 10 units.

Both of these options will result in a figure with a perimeter of 10 units on the grid paper. Remember, you can always adjust the measurements based on the grid spacing, as long as the total perimeter remains 10 units.