Let B be between C and D. Solve for w

CB = 4w - 4
BD = 2w - 8
CD = 24

I'm actually very confused on what to do here.

By the law of segments,

4w-4 + 2w-8 = 24

Solve for w.

Oh thank you I was so confused!

You're welcome! :)

To solve for w in this scenario, we need to apply the properties of segments in a line and use the given information. Here is how you can go about solving for w:

1. Start by drawing a line segment with points C and D. Place point B somewhere between points C and D.

2. Assign variables to the given lengths:
- Let CB = 4w - 4 (given)
- Let BD = 2w - 8 (given)
- Let CD = 24 (given)

3. Apply the segment addition postulate:
According to the segment addition postulate, the sum of the lengths of two segments on the same line equals the length of the overall segment. In this case, CD = CB + BD.
So, we can set up the equation:
24 = (4w - 4) + (2w - 8)

4. Simplify the equation:
Start by combining like terms:
24 = 6w - 12

5. Solve for w:
Add 12 to both sides to isolate the variable term:
24 + 12 = 6w
36 = 6w

6. Divide both sides by 6 to solve for w:
36 ÷ 6 = w
w = 6

Therefore, w is equal to 6.