What is a quadrilateral that has a 90* angle another 90* angle, a 125*angle, and a 55*angle



To identify the type of quadrilateral you have described, we can analyze the given angles.

A quadrilateral with two 90-degree angles is known as a rectangle. However, the additional angles of 125 degrees and 55 degrees do not fit the properties of a rectangle. Hence, we need to consider a different type of quadrilateral.

Let's analyze another possibility. A quadrilateral with consecutive angles of 125 degrees and 55 degrees suggest it might be a trapezoid. However, a trapezoid does not have two 90-degree angles.

Since none of the traditional quadrilaterals match the given set of angles, it is reasonable to assume that there may be an error in the provided information. Quadrilaterals are polygons with four sides and four angles, and the sum of the interior angles is always 360 degrees. Therefore, in a valid quadrilateral, the sum of the angles should be equal to 360 degrees.

If you have additional information or suspect an error, it would be helpful to double-check the angle measurements given and ensure they add up to 360 degrees.