Badger Bus Line; c=75+1.25x

For what trip lengths can the school use Badger Bus if they have at most $300 to spend on transportation?

When you use "HELP ANYONE" for your subject, I don't know whether to call the EMTs, police, fire fighters, or someone else.


300 >= 75 + 1.25x

225 >= 1.25x

180 >= x

Note that is round trip.

Oh sorry :( Didn't mean any of that.. I needed help with the problem.. its nothing about calling police.. very sorry ma'am

Thank you for all the help..!

You are welcome.

To determine the trip lengths for which the school can use the Badger Bus Line within their budget, we need to set up an inequality based on the cost function.

Given that the cost function for Badger Bus Line is represented by c = 75 + 1.25x, where c is the cost and x is the trip length, we want to find the trip lengths that satisfy the condition of having at most $300 to spend on transportation.

The inequality we can set up is: 75 + 1.25x ≤ 300.

To solve this inequality, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 75 from both sides of the inequality:
75 + 1.25x - 75 ≤ 300 - 75
1.25x ≤ 225

Step 2: Divide both sides by 1.25 to isolate x:
(1.25x) / 1.25 ≤ 225 / 1.25
x ≤ 180

Therefore, the school can use the Badger Bus Line for trip lengths up to and including 180 miles if they have at most $300 to spend on transportation. Beyond that, the cost will exceed their budget.