Which equation shows the correct use of the Power of Products Property?

A. (2x^5y^2)^3=6x^5y^2
B. (2x^5y^2)^3=6x^15y^6
C. (2x^5y^2)^3=8x^8y^5
D. (2x^5y^2)^3=8x^15y^6
Is it A?

Well, what answer is it?

Does anyone have this same review to check my answers? There are 50 questions haha so I need someone to check them

Thats the problem haha

and do that for a few tutors?

your choice of A is not correct

= 2^3 (x^5)^3 (y^2)^3
= ...

review the difference between
(x^a)(x^b) and (x^a)^b

also what is the meaning of 2^3, it certainly is not (2)(3) like your choice indicates

i think its D r B

No, the correct equation using the Power of Products Property is not option A. To understand which equation shows the correct use of the Power of Products Property, let's first understand the property itself.

The Power of Products Property states that when you raise a product (or a quantity within parentheses) to a power, you can distribute that power to each factor within the product. In other words, you can apply the exponent to each term inside the parentheses.

To find the correct equation that uses the Power of Products Property, let's work through each option:

A. (2x^5y^2)^3 = 6x^5y^2
This equation is incorrect. The exponent 3 should be distributed to each term inside the parentheses, resulting in (2^3)(x^5)^3(y^2)^3 = 8x^15y^6.

B. (2x^5y^2)^3 = 6x^15y^6
This equation is incorrect as well. The term 6x^15y^6 is incorrect since the exponent 3 should be distributed to each term inside the parentheses.

C. (2x^5y^2)^3 = 8x^8y^5
This equation is also incorrect. Like the previous options, the exponent 3 should be applied to each term inside the parentheses.

D. (2x^5y^2)^3 = 8x^15y^6
This equation is correct. It properly applies the Power of Products Property by distributing the exponent 3 to each factor inside the parentheses. Thus, D is the correct option.

Therefore, the correct equation using the Power of Products Property is D. (2x^5y^2)^3 = 8x^15y^6.

Hahaha! Who wants to check 50 questions??

You might have better luck if you asked a tutor to check only 5 or less.

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