I’m Nobody

by Emily Dickinson

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd banish us – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog – To tell one's name –
the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

Use the poem to answer the question.
The speaker in "I'm Nobody" regards fame as
(1 point)

a good thing.

the American dream.

a bad thing.***

a reward for hard work.

Why is using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being a “somebody” an effective choice?
(1 point)

Frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren’t really important.

Frogs are essential to nature because they add a lively sound to an otherwise dreary bog.

Frogs only croak during the month of June, which is a time to be noticed.

Frogs are slimy and disgusting creatures that belong in a sticky bog.****

Use the poem to answer the question.

What is a possible theme of the poem?
(1 point)

The privacy of being nobody is better than living in the public eye.***

People should strive to be seen as important, or they’ll be rejected.

Nobody will notice you if you don’t make yourself known.

Fame is worth having to put up with boring people who admire you.

Use the poem to answer the question.

The connotations of which word in the poem help you understand the speaker’s attitude toward fame?
(1 point)





2. OK

3. I disagree

4. OK

5. OK

So For 3 is the answer c?


That's 2 wrong guesses for 3. Please don't post about this again.

I would relook at question 3.

On the others, I reminded myself that Emily was a really shy, reserved introverted person, that avoided contact with most people outside a very low number of personal contacts. Some think she suffered from depression.

To answer the questions using the poem, "I'm Nobody" by Emily Dickinson, here are the explanations:

2. The speaker in "I'm Nobody" regards fame as a bad thing.
Explanation: Throughout the poem, the speaker expresses a preference for being nobody rather than being somebody. They find the idea of fame dreary and undesirable. The line "How dreary – to be – Somebody!" suggests that being somebody is not seen as a positive thing.

3. Using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being a "somebody" is an effective choice because frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren't really important.
Explanation: The speaker compares being somebody to a frog announcing its presence. By using this image, it emphasizes that being noticed and being important are not the same. The speaker sees frogs as making noise but not having significant value, just like being a famous person doesn't necessarily make one important.

4. A possible theme of the poem is that the privacy of being nobody is better than living in the public eye.
Explanation: Throughout the poem, the speaker expresses a preference for being nobody rather than somebody. They see being unnoticed and having privacy as more desirable than the attention and scrutiny that come with fame. This suggests that the theme of the poem is about valuing privacy over personal fame.

5. The connotations of the word "dreary" in the poem help understand the speaker's attitude toward fame.
Explanation: The word "dreary" suggests a negative and unappealing quality. It conveys the speaker's unhappy and dull perception of being a "somebody." This helps the reader understand that the speaker does not find fame desirable and associates it with a lackluster and joyless existence.