Lacy made a scale model of her house. Her house is 45 feet tall. Her model is 9 inches tall. What is the scale of the model? How many times as times as tall as her house is her model?

45/9 = 5

1 inch = 5 feet

To find the scale of the model, you need to compare the dimensions of the model to the actual dimensions of the house. In this case, we will compare the heights of the model and the actual house.

The height of the actual house is given as 45 feet, and the height of the model is given as 9 inches.

To find the scale, you need to convert the measurements to the same unit. Since both measurements are currently in different units (feet and inches), it would be easier to convert both measurements to either feet or inches.

Let's convert the height of the model to feet. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, you divide the height of the model (9 inches) by 12 to convert it to feet:

9 inches / 12 = 0.75 feet

Now that both the height of the actual house and the height of the model are in feet, you can calculate the scale. The scale tells you how many units on the model represent one unit in real life. In this case, the scale is the ratio of the model's height to the actual house's height.

Scale = Height of the model / Height of the actual house

Scale = 0.75 feet / 45 feet

Simplifying this ratio, we get:

Scale = 1/60

So, the scale of the model is 1/60.

To determine how many times smaller the model is compared to the actual house, you can take the reciprocal of the scale value:

Reciprocal of the scale = 1 / (1/60) = 60

Therefore, the model is 60 times smaller than the actual house.