help, what did Dr.Drone say to the guy who thought he was a $100 bill


I just crapped my butthole

thedog ate my butt out lmsoooooaml] ,amoalamlmao lmao lsnipsdsei hate this tp

i pooed my booty hole


To find out what Dr. Drone said to the guy who thought he was a $100 bill, we would need to search for the specific dialogue or script in which this interaction took place. Unfortunately, without any additional context or reference, it may be challenging to provide a direct answer to your question. Nevertheless, if this interaction occurred in a movie, TV show, book, or any other form of media, you can try the following steps to find the desired information:

1. Use search engines: Enter relevant keywords, such as the name of the movie or TV show, the character's name (Dr. Drone), and the specific situation (guy thinking he was a $100 bill). Scan through the results to find sources that mention the dialogue you are looking for.

2. Check online forums and discussion boards: Look for forums or message boards related to the particular movie, TV show, or book in question. Often, dedicated fans or followers of the series might have discussed or transcribed the dialogue you are seeking.

3. Consult online databases or archives: There are various databases or archives that compile information on movies, TV shows, and books. Examples include IMDb (Internet Movie Database) for movies and TV series, or Goodreads for books. These platforms often include quotes or memorable dialogues from different characters.

4. Reach out to relevant communities: Join social media groups or online communities dedicated to the specific movie, TV show, or book. Ask other fans or individuals who might be familiar with the dialogue you are searching for.

By following these steps, you increase your chances of finding the specific dialogue between Dr. Drone and the guy who thought he was a $100 bill.

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