An alloy of iron and silver has a total mass of 30 grams and a volume of 20.4cm^-3.Calculate the mass of iron only and the volume of silver only.

[Density of iron=1.62gcm^3 and density of silver=0.9gcm^3]

To calculate the mass of iron in the alloy, we need to find the mass of silver first, since the total mass is given.

1. Calculate the mass of silver:
Total mass of the alloy - mass of iron = mass of silver
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

Next, to find the volume of silver, we will need to subtract the volume of iron from the total volume.

2. Calculate the volume of iron:
Mass = Volume x Density
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

Now that we have the volume of iron, we can find the volume of silver.

3. Calculate the volume of silver:
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Let's perform the calculations.

Total mass of the alloy = 30g
Total volume of the alloy = 20.4 cm^-3
Density of iron = 1.62 g/cm^3
Density of silver = 0.9 g/cm^3

Step 1: Calculate the mass of silver
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

Step 2: Calculate the volume of iron
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

Step 3: Calculate the volume of silver
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Let's calculate step by step:

1. Calculate the mass of silver:
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

2. Calculate the volume of iron:
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

3. Calculate the volume of silver:
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Let's plug in the given values and perform the calculations.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of silver
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

Step 2: Calculate the volume of iron
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

Step 3: Calculate the volume of silver
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Let's calculate step by step:

1. Calculate the mass of silver:
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

2. Calculate the volume of iron:
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

3. Calculate the volume of silver:
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Let's plug in the given values and perform the calculations.

Total mass of the alloy = 30g
Total volume of the alloy = 20.4 cm^-3
Density of iron = 1.62 g/cm^3
Density of silver = 0.9 g/cm^3

Step 1: Calculate the mass of silver
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

Step 2: Calculate the volume of iron
Volume of iron = Mass of iron / Density of iron

Step 3: Calculate the volume of silver
Volume of silver = Total volume - volume of iron

Now let's calculate:

Step 1: Calculate the mass of silver
Mass of silver = 30g - mass of iron

To find the mass of iron, we need to know the composition of the alloy. Since it is not specified, we cannot determine the mass of iron and silver independently. We need additional information to solve the problem.