Completely factor: 3j^3 -51j^2 +210j

Thank you very much.


= 3j(j-10)(j-7)

To completely factor the expression 3j^3 - 51j^2 + 210j, we can start by factoring out the greatest common factor, which is '3j':

3j(j^2 - 17j + 70)

Next, we need to factorize the quadratic expression within the parentheses, j^2 - 17j + 70. We can find two numbers that multiply to give 70 and add up to give -17. The numbers are -7 and -10.

Therefore, the factored form of the expression is:

3j(j - 7)(j - 10)

So, the completely factored form of 3j^3 - 51j^2 + 210j is 3j(j - 7)(j - 10).