Who discovered an antibiotic called 'pencillin' and when?

Google penicillin

Alexander Fleming

The antibiotic called "penicillin" was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for the term "penicillin" on a reliable search engine or encyclopedia.
2. Look for sources that provide information on the discovery of penicillin.
3. You will likely find references to Alexander Fleming as the person who made the discovery.
4. To confirm the exact date, look for additional details in reputable sources, such as scientific articles or historical records.
5. The commonly accepted date for the discovery of penicillin is September 28th, 1928, in Alexander Fleming's laboratory at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London.

Remember to use trusted sources to gather information and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.