i have £12 per week pocket money. I spend £3.50 on bus fare, what is this as a fraction of £12 ?

3.5/12 =

To find the fraction of £12 that you spend on bus fare, you need to determine how much of the £12 is represented by the £3.50 bus fare. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Subtract the amount spent on bus fare (£3.50) from the total amount of pocket money (£12):
£12 - £3.50 = £8.50

2. The result (£8.50) represents the amount of money you have left after paying for the bus fare.

3. To express this as a fraction, you can write the amount left (£8.50) as the numerator and the total pocket money (£12) as the denominator:
£8.50 / £12

4. Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, we can divide the numerator and denominator by 2:
(£8.50 / 2) / (£12 / 2) = £4.25 / £6

Therefore, the fraction of £12 that you spend on bus fare is £4.25/£6.