This table is used to calculate annual commissions

and salaries for car salespeople. What would the
total yearly earnings of a sales assistant be who has
$90,000 in sales?

Commission & Salaries

Sales Assistant-Base Salary-$10,000
Sales Person-Base Salary-20,000
Sales Manager-Base Salary-40,000

Sales Assistant-Commission-15%
Sales Person-Commision-20%
Sales Manager-Commision-25%

7. A second employee of the computer store in Problem 6 is paid a base salary of $2,500 a month plus a 5% commission on all sales during the month.

(A) How much must this employee sell in 1 month to earn total of $3,500 for the month?
(B)Determine the sales level where both employees receive the same monthly income. If employees can select either of these payment methods, how would you advise an employee to make this selection

6. One employee of a computer store is paid a base salary of$3,000 a month plus an 8% commission on all sales over$10,000 during the month. How much must the employee sell in one month to earn a total of $5,500 for the month

3. A town’s budget has been growing linearly. In 2000 the budget was $6,200 million. By 2005 the budget had grown to $8,100 million. If this trend continues,

a. Predict the budget in 2010
b. When will the budget reach $15000 million?

A ladder is leaning against a building as show in the diagram how many feet up the side of the building is the top of the ladder

To calculate the total yearly earnings of a sales assistant who has $90,000 in sales, we need to add the base salary and the commission.

First, let's calculate the commission. The commission rate for a sales assistant is 15%. So, to find the commission earned on $90,000 in sales, we need to multiply $90,000 by 15%:

Commission = $90,000 * 0.15 = $13,500

Next, we need to add the base salary and the commission to get the total yearly earnings:

Total Yearly Earnings = Base Salary + Commission

Base Salary for a sales assistant is $10,000, so:

Total Yearly Earnings = $10,000 + $13,500 = $23,500

Therefore, the total yearly earnings of a sales assistant with $90,000 in sales would be $23,500.