Crystal buy headphones that are on sale with a 40% discount. If she paid $24 for the headphones with the discount, what is the full price of the headphones?

0.6x = 24

x = ?

To find the full price of the headphones, let's assume the original price (without the discount) is "x".

Since Crystal bought the headphones with a 40% discount, she paid 60% (100% - 40%) of the original price.

60% of the original price can be expressed as: 0.60x

According to the given information, Crystal paid $24 for the headphones with the discount. So we can set up the equation:

0.60x = $24

Now, let's solve for "x":
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.60:
x = $24/0.60
x = $40

Therefore, the full price of the headphones (without any discount) is $40.

To find the full price of the headphones, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by assuming the full price of the headphones as "x".

2. Apply the 40% discount to "x". To do this, multiply "x" by 0.60 (100% - 40%) since Crystal is paying only 60% of the original price.

Discounted Price = x * 0.60

3. According to the given information, Crystal paid $24 for the discounted headphones. Setting up an equation:

$24 = x * 0.60

4. Solve the equation to find the value of "x".

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.60:
$24 / 0.60 = x

x = $40

Therefore, the full price of the headphones is $40.