Which adjective best describes Ming China’s position toward European trade?


a real teacher would guide the student to the right answer, Ms. sue. The answer is "restrictive"

To determine which adjective best describes Ming China's position toward European trade, we need to look into historical sources and analyze the information available. Specifically, we will focus on the policies and actions carried out by Ming China during that time period.

The Ming Dynasty, which spanned from 1368 to 1644, initially had a relatively open approach to foreign trade under the early emperors. However, as time went on, Ming China became increasingly restrictive towards European trade.

Ming China implemented several policies and measures that aimed to restrict European trade. For example, they established a "tribute system" wherein foreign states had to pay tribute to the Chinese emperor in order to be allowed to trade. Ming China also limited the number of ports available for trade and strictly regulated the activities of foreign traders.

Considering this information, the adjective that best describes Ming China's position toward European trade is: d. restrictive.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. restrictive.
