Last year Tom spent 20% of his money on clothes, the rest he spent on food, utilities, socializing and savings in the ratio 2 : 7 : 3 : 4.

If Tom spent £2500 on food, how much did he spend on everything else and how much does he earn in total?

let the amount he spent on food, utilities, socializing and savings be

2x , 7x, 3x, and 4x respectively

2x = 2500

solve for x, then sub back into my definitions
add them all up to get the total expenses.
divide this by .8 to get his total earnings.

Let's calculate the amount Tom spent on everything else first.

If Tom spent 20% of his money on clothes, that means he spent 100% - 20% = 80% of his money on everything else.

Since the ratio of food to everything else is 2 : 7, we can write it as 2x : 7x, where x is the common factor.

We know that Tom spent £2500 on food, so we can set up the equation 2x = £2500 and solve for x:

2x = £2500
x = £2500 / 2
x = £1250

Now we can calculate the amount Tom spent on everything else:

7x = 7 * £1250 = £8750

So, Tom spent £8750 on everything else.

To find out how much Tom earns in total, we need to find the amount represented by 80% of his money. We'll call this amount y.

80% of y = £8750

To solve for y, we can set up the equation:

0.8y = £8750
y = £8750 / 0.8
y = £10937.50

Therefore, Tom earns £10937.50 in total.

To find out how much Tom spent on everything else, we need to calculate the total amount he spent on all the categories other than food.

Step 1: Calculate the ratio sum
The ratio given is 2:7:3:4. To add up the parts of the ratio, we calculate: 2 + 7 + 3 + 4 = 16.

Step 2: Calculate the ratio fraction for "everything else"
To find the fraction of the total spent on everything else, we first calculate: (7 + 3 + 4) / 16 = 14 / 16 = 7 / 8. This means that out of the total amount spent, 7/8 was spent on everything else.

Step 3: Calculate the total amount spent on everything else
Since Tom spent £2500 on food, we can calculate the amount spent on everything else by multiplying this amount by the fraction for "everything else."
£2500 * (7 / 8) = £2187.50.

Therefore, Tom spent £2187.50 on everything else.

To determine Tom's total earnings, we need additional information. If you can provide the information about his savings or any other expenses, I can help you calculate his total earnings.