Where can I find info on cultivation practices that can be used to help control pests?

I think some are: rotation, sowing, biological control (good bugs), timing and adjusting of harvesting...I need nine cultivation practices. I'm not sure I'm on the right track.

You seem to be on the right track. These sites have further information.




Nine cultivation practices that can be used to help pests control are... crop diversity, farm size, soil fertility, pest control, livestock, and organic farming systems.


well that's actually seven but once i find the other two i will get them posted.. asap!!!

you werent too quick about it

i really needed those answers and you failed me tatiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't believe you...

To find information on cultivation practices that can help control pests, you can start by searching online on websites related to agriculture, pest management, or crop cultivation. Here are a few suggestions:

1. State Agricultural Extension Websites: Many state agricultural extension programs provide resources and guidelines for farmers on various aspects of crop cultivation, including pest control. You can visit your state's agriculture website or search for state-specific extension websites for information on recommended cultivation practices.

2. Agricultural Research Institutions: Research institutions and universities often conduct studies on pest management and cultivation practices. Their websites and publications can provide valuable information on effective pest control methods. Look for websites of institutions specializing in agriculture or crop sciences in your region.

3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Resources: Integrated Pest Management is an approach that focuses on combining biological, cultural, and chemical control methods to manage pests sustainably. IPM programs usually provide comprehensive guidance on cultivation practices that help control pests. Search for IPM resources specific to your crop or region.

4. Crop-Specific Resources: If you are looking for cultivation practices for a specific crop, certain websites or organizations may specialize in providing information on that crop's cultivation and pest management. For example, if you are interested in viticulture (grape cultivation), you can search for resources from grape-growing organizations or wine industry associations.

Remember that not every website or resource will cover all nine cultivation practices you mentioned. It's a good idea to explore multiple sources and cross-reference the information to get a comprehensive understanding. Additionally, some printed publications or books on agricultural practices might be available at libraries or through agricultural organizations in your area.