2.Two cars leave Kansas City at the same time.

One car is moving east and the other west.
After 5 hours, the cars are 575 miles apart.
One car is traveling 15 miles per hour faster than the other.
Let S = the speed of the slower car and F = the speed of the faster car.
If one equation for this system is 5F + 5S = 575, what is the other? Type your answer without spaces.

~The other would be S=F+10 right? If im not right please show me how to do it

never mind i got it it was F=S+10, sorry for wasting your time ^.^

Yes, you are correct! The other equation in the system would be S = F + 10.

We can derive this equation by using the given information that one car is traveling 15 miles per hour faster than the other. Let's break it down step by step.

Let's assume the speed of the slower car is S mph.
According to the given information, the speed of the faster car would be S + 15 mph (since it is 15 mph faster).

The equation 5F + 5S = 575 represents the combined distance traveled by both cars after 5 hours.
Since the distance covered by a car is equal to its speed multiplied by the time, we can rewrite this equation as:
5(F + S) = 575
^ (F + S) represents the combined speed of the two cars (i.e., the combined distance traveled per hour)

Now, let's solve for the other equation:

To find the relationship between the speeds S and F, we can divide both sides of the equation by 5:
(F + S) = 575/5
(F + S) = 115

Now, we know that the speed of the slower car is S mph, and the speed of the faster car is (S + 15) mph. So, we can replace the (F + S) in the above equation with (S + S + 15) to represent the combined speed:
2S + 15 = 115

Finally, we rearrange the equation to isolate S:
2S = 115 - 15
2S = 100
S = 50

Therefore, the speed of the slower car is 50 mph, and since the faster car is moving 15 mph faster, its speed is 50 + 15 = 65 mph.

To summarize, the other equation in the system is S = F + 10, and the speeds of the cars are S = 50 mph and F = 65 mph.