The graph of y = f(x) is transformed to give the graph of y= -f(x+3).

The point A on the graph of y=f(x) is mapped to the point P on the graph of y= -f(x+3).

The co-ordinates of point A are (9,1).
Find the co-ordinates of point P.

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What is 12,-1

To find the coordinates of point P on the graph of y = -f(x+3), we need to apply the given transformation to the coordinates of point A.

Let's first analyze the transformation y = -f(x+3):

- The negative sign in front of f(x+3) indicates a reflection of the original graph across the x-axis.
- The term (x+3) inside f(x+3) implies a horizontal shift of 3 units to the left (opposite direction from the positive sign).

Given point A with coordinates (9, 1), we can apply the transformation step-by-step:

1. Reflection across the x-axis: The y-coordinate of point A changes its sign and becomes -1.
Point A' = (9, -1)

2. Horizontal shift 3 units to the left: The x-coordinate of point A' is decreased by 3.
Point P = (9 - 3, -1) = (6, -1)

Therefore, the coordinates of point P on the graph of y = -f(x+3) are (6, -1).

To find the coordinates of point P on the graph of y = -f(x+3) given the coordinates of point A as (9,1), we need to understand how the transformation affects the original graph.

The given transformation is y = -f(x+3), which means we are taking the opposite of the function value (-f(x)) and shifting the graph horizontally to the left by 3 units (x+3). Let's analyze the transformation step by step:

1. Taking the opposite: The original function f(x) is multiplied by -1, so the positive y-values become negative and vice versa. This reflects the graph across the x-axis.

2. Shifting left by 3 units: The original x-values are now replaced with (x+3), which means the entire graph is shifted to the left by 3 units.

Now, let's apply these transformations to find the coordinates of point P:

1. Opposite of the y-coordinate: Start with the y-coordinate of point A, which is 1, and take the opposite of it. So, -1.

2. Shifting left by 3 units: Take the x-coordinate of point A, which is 9, and subtract 3 to shift it to the left. So, 9-3 = 6.

Therefore, the coordinates of point P on the graph of y = -f(x+3) are (6, -1).