At Sunnyside Place, as of March 31, a total of 12 residents have moved out.

(What is your property’s annualized turnover percentage rate?)

If, it's not too much asking, can you please include the steps to get to the answer. I appreciate your help. Thank you.

Didn't I show you the steps yesterday?

Thank Ms. Sue,

I found the problem.

To calculate the property's annualized turnover percentage rate, you will need two pieces of information: the total number of residents who moved out and the total number of units in the property. In this case, the total number of residents who moved out is given as 12. However, we also need to know the total number of units in the property. Since that information is not provided in the question, we cannot calculate the exact turnover percentage rate without it.

To calculate the annualized turnover percentage rate, follow these steps:
Step 1: Determine the total number of units in the property.
Step 2: Divide the number of residents who moved out by the total number of units to get the turnover rate.
Step 3: Multiply the turnover rate by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

As the total number of units is not given, I am unable to provide you with an exact turnover percentage rate. However, if you have that information, you can use the steps above to calculate the turnover percentage rate.